[7.29] Confession (IV)
on December 28, 2020
at 12:23 am
Volume 1, including chapters 1–3, is now in print! Thanks to those who have purchased it; I hope you enjoy it and find the print quality satisfactory. Let me know about any issues. Volume 2 will be available by sometime in mid-January.
I will be taking one last short break over New Years. Normal updates will resume on Monday, January 4. It has been a tough year. Here’s to a better year ahead.
7.29 Transcript
Daisy: What’s the matter? Show a little grit… you’re in Alaska!
Kiro: It’s nothing. I feel ashamed for even doubting you.
Kiro: I talked to Reina.
A: what
A in the last panel is absolutely awesome artwork.
Don’t play poker, Kiro, or try to fool someone.
You’re way too open.
Detox Camp has been an unmitigated joy this year! Thank you!
Aw, thanks! Happy new year!
The transition between panels one and two feel a little rushed. Usually people don’t go from crying to explaining right away. One panal where she gets a hold of herself would give it more depth. To be fair, the page already has 7 panels, so I can see why adding one wouldn’t be great.
I really like the 6th panel, I guess she really feels guilty
I think the transition is fine. I think, tough, her face should still be a bit wet from thevtears. Maybe it is, and I can’t see it.
In any case. Proper pacing in a one-page-at-a-time comic is difficult. Sometimes you just have to rely on the reader’s intelligence to fill in details or it gets boring.
Meant though instead of tough.
Did the banner change to include Reina?
And here you can catch a not so uncommon creature in its natural habitat. It’s more dangerous than you can realize even though it seems innocuous at first – the legendary GUILT TRIP!
Dun dun daaaaa!
Hey, at least she’s not building up an intricate lie. Better to get right out with it
At the very least the know they can trust Kiro about stuff
A few pages ago proved she’s an awful liar, and this proves she’s an awful lie-of-ommission-er too.
Kiro has a woman in every port. Survivalist, Mystical, and “High Society”