[5.24] BEAR
on January 13, 2020
at 12:35 am
Nice save, Daisy!
Again, thanks for all the comments and advice last week re:site design. I will take these suggestions into consideration as I’m working to revamp the site. After the update (though that won’t be a while), feel free to comment if something worked better in the old design. Though, the update will be mostly back-end with some cosmetic alterations, so I doubt there will be much change to the basic functionality.
5.24 Transcript
A: Eek!
Daisy: What the hell did you think you were doing??
I was wondering when the other wildlife would start showing up.
“What the hell did you think you were doing?”
“I just wanted to play with Bear!”
Someone in the comments once asked if Kiro was her actual name, we’ll back on page…um… in chapter one she said something about someone named Lacie, maybe even herself
*Last surprise starts playing*
re: your final question on the previous update, the site loads quickly, but the top banner and the comic itself often time out for me; it feels like a fairly recent development, for the past few weeks or so?