[11.05] Pressing Matters
on September 12, 2022
at 12:36 am
11.05 Transcript
Kiro: It’s okay, Daisy. I didn’t keep it to myself. … At any rate, we’ve got more pressing matters to worry about.
Kiro: There you are, Ben. Get up, let’s go.
Kiro: I’ll see you soon, Daisy.
The last panel reminds me of film class back in college. Except in the movie we were reviewing, there was a staircase banister between them to show some kind of vertical separation (at least according to the teacher). More outstanding to me was that the guy on the left was in the dark background and the woman on the right was in the light.
But this still does show some separation, which is nice shot composition. <3
You better, that’s my (friend)ship you’re talking about!
But seriously, I really love Daisy and Kiro’s dynamic so everyone better stay okay-
What did Ben want to say??
I like how Daisy is subtly leaning forward.
It shows she really does care.
This is not a typical comic, this is not manufactured drama to cover until the next action scene. This comic is about people, about teens trying to understand a real and desperate problem that is killing them off. Everyone is trying to stay alive and fed, their emotions are keyed up, but what they are feeling is real, just also really raw.
Aww…yay it’s all okay and Daisy and Kiro are still friends
Poor Ben. I hope he doesn’t die.
Too bad Ben can’t speak, it looks like he wanted to say something. It also looks like Daisy wants to go with Kiro, but she knows that it would cause more trouble at camp.
Welp, time to see what kind of chaos awaits them back at camp.
He does NOT look well.