[9.02] Finesse
on August 9, 2021
at 12:25 am
It’s not a labor shortage, it’s a wage shortage.
9.02 Transcript
Reina: You voted to have food. Did Darien have an answer to that?
Reina: Ahem, I mean, of course volunteers will be rewarded.
Kiro: You have a good presence but you’ve got to practice your words.
Reina: Volunteers get double rations and are exempt from Death Course for the month!
Campers: ~I’ll do it!~ ~Pick me!~ ~Let me do it!~ ~I want to go!~ ~Me!~
Hey, good food in a place where there are empty stomachs is a good motivator. In this camp, food is as good as gold.
Possibly better, you can’t eat gold effectively, plus it has …like …zero calories.
Eep! I’m late! I got super busy yesterday… I feel bad!
Gold is only precious because we said so. And in this case, food is way more precious. But it’s also not infinite, got to be careful with those increased rations.
…why are they still doing the death course at all? Is there any advantage for Reina to keep it going? Surely it’s counterproductive for Kiro, whose goal is to keep as many people from getting killed as possible.
My guess is that Death Course is something that’s camp enforced, like from Mom or something, and the council has no authority over it.
My guess is bread and circuses. The Death Course are like the gladiator games in ancient Rome, it’s is a big part of the local entertainment. Also, I imagine not getting into the Death Course is a major drive to behave and do your best.