[5.29] Care to Explain?
on January 30, 2020
at 12:20 am
A, you ain’t seen nothin yet
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5.29 Transcript
[Kiro: I could almost buy that this place is cursed… After all I’m no stranger to what Daisy calls “occult nonsense”. But I don’t want to be seen as crazy. It has to be just a macabre coincidence, right?]
Kiro: ‘Cause there’s no way that curses are real –
A: I hear you managed to defeat Darien and Jack in a fight. Care to explain how on earth that happened?
Kiro: I used a light arrow. You happen to be familiar with the properties of those things?
A: Yes… but using them as a weapon? You can’t hurt anything with them. That’s impossible.
With sufficient creativity, anything is a weapon.
I’m thinking that the only people who know anything about the properties of light arrows, are Kiro–and us. 🙂
Who said anything about “hurt”? You don’t have to hurt someone to get past them. . . .
Did the transcripts only just start appearing? I don’t remember them previously.
Yep, they are indeed new. I will be adding them to all the pages over the next couple of days.
I love the art style and that fact that it kinda looks like the manga art style
Bright lights can hurt… hurt your eyes that is.
With those sharp heads, how would it be impossible? Magic!