[9.21] Other Kid (II)
on October 18, 2021
at 12:10 am
He’s just THAT unremarkable
9.21 Transcript
Shay: What the heck is taking them so long?
Ian: It’s cold, Shay! Can we share some body heat?
David: Not a chance.
Kiro: Hey! Sorry for the wait!
Shay: Where’s Ben?
Kiro: Who’s Ben?
Kiro: SH*T
Uh, I’m pretty sure I heard him say he was gonna swim back. Yeah, that’s it. Polar bear club or something. Okay, so everybody else pile in, we don’t want to miss the tide! Or whatever!
Yeah, he definitely can blend into the background. Fingers crossed that he’s still okay. Poor guy.
Assuming the ship is not the “REPNOE” in mirror-friendly reversed lettering, that looks vaguely like ?ПИ?ЗЯ (?pi?zya). Can’t find a Cyrilic word to match that though.
Can’t be “REPNOE”, that would be two very different “E”. To me it reads like 7, intersection, И, rho, З, Я. But that doesn’t make any sense to me. What about languages from Greenland or northern Canada?
Probably an indigenous language from the northwest coast. Haida and others have n, q, and a 7 used as a stop that can go at the start of the word. Aleut includes all of the cyrillic ones and sometimes a q.