As those of you who follow Ocean Skies have probably noticed there has been a very long delay in finishing the current chapter. I’m going to be honest and say I simply cannot, at this time, fit it into my schedule. The buffer ran out in July and I’d been struggling to finish each update before it was due. I am 100% going to finish the current chapter by the end of this year, but I can’t make any promises beyond that. Life is looking quite busy for the forseeable future.

Back in January I arrogantly thought it would be possible to do two comics at once, but the realities of working full time have not been kind to that aspiration.

(also: if the work week was even a day shorter, how much wasted creative potential could that bring out in all of us? Not saying I dislike my job- it can be quite enjoyable at times- but every job I’ve ever had is just a massive time suck that leaves no room for family/friends/sleep/chores/proper diet/entertainment/life. I’m only a year out of college and this is just how it’s gonna be from now on?)

***Detox Camp is fine, though. Buffer is still strong, and I’ve pretty much integrated drawing this comic into my daily life. Everything here will be OK.***


9.07 Transcript
Reina/Shay: Whoa

Reina: Ahem… all hands, get ready to board?

[Kiro: How did I even get myself into this?]