Reina has a point though. This camp isn’t really about being nice to each other.

Thanks new $3 patron Ed! I really appreciate your support!

Speaking of patronage, I forgot to mention about a week ago was a small but significant milestone, I finally broke even financially on this comic, thanks to the generosity of readers (just a note about the business side of webcomics, considering the costs of production, web hosting and advertising, it takes a long long time to make a positive return on investment, but if you keep at it it’s worth it in the end. of course i’m probably not the best example here as i am terrible at self promotion.)


8.28 Transcript
Reina: This is great, but… what’s with this slogan? It’s all a bit too friendly, isn’t it?

Kiro: Frankly, Reina, you have a public image issue. You need to appeal to the masses.

Reina: I wanted it to be ‘Starve with Him, Feast with Me’.
Kiro: Save that for the debate and tone it down… Is there a copier?

Reina: It’s Down Below…
[Kiro: There’s a copier, but no food.]