[7.33] Surprisingly Logical
on January 14, 2021
at 12:30 am
Daisy throwing shade
7.33 Transcript
Kiro: The ship has four lifeboats with motors. That’ll be enough to move a large amount of supplies.
Kiro: We just wait for a day with calm weather. Get to the ship, see what’s there, then I’ll take one of the boats and go back to camp. That alone should be enough to convince-
Daisy: That’s surprisingly logical…
A: Hold on, what happened to the ship’s crew?
I’m betting on the bears having broken into all the supplies on the ship and eaten them…
I am glad A brought that up… I had been figuring they’d get there, and only then realise that they’ve found more mouths than they have, food
It just hit me how like, Daisy has become the Responsible One of the group, when her introduction painted her as a lot more cheery and slightly manic. Not a bad thing, just amusing.