These two are masters of keeping dramatic tension.


A few announcements
First, thanks to new patrons Kevin and Aron!
Second- I recall promising to make available print copies of the comic earlier this year, but this and that happened and- Anyways, I intend to have at least volume 1 (chapters 1-3) available on Amazon by mid-December. Stay tuned ~


7.19 Transcript
Reina: Huh? I bet you don’t even know how to use that thing. You’re only scaring yourself.

Kiro: Oh yeah? You’re the worst liar I ever met, Reina. I can smell how afraid you are.

Reina: Ha!

Reina: Where did you even come from? After we got back to camp, no one ever heard from you or Daisy again.

Kiro: I… escaped? I’ve been getting by on my own. … Look, I don’t have much time. Tell me, how are things going at camp right now?