[7.07] Altruistic
on October 5, 2020
at 12:14 am
She’s back
7.07 Transcript
[Kiro: Here we are, hunting for food… Stocking up for what promises to be a long hard winter… ]
Kiro: So cold
[Kiro: yet we just conveniently ignore… those back at camp who might be in far greater danger than we are…]
Kechika: This camp is turning you altruistic? I haven’t see that happen before.
Well, let’s hope that is a sign that Kiro actually can break the curse
Kiro is a decent person. Apparently, Kechika hasn’t encountered any decent people before.
Come to think of it, other than A and Daisy, nether have we…..
Kiro is not like the others, Kechika!
At least Daisy missed too, haha. Not so easy! But we’re all trying to survive here.
@Delta-v: Note that while A seems to be a decent person, he has been shown to think of himself first in this situation, to the point of stealing food from the main camp that he was at some level aware that they did not actually need. Does your-life-is-on-the-line situations do this to otherwise decent people? I think it does, but only to a limited number of people. And the tales of what the curse has done in the past seem to indicate that exactly this, turned up to 11, happened to everyone in the area.
I think Kiro is somehow not affected by the curse. Maybe has to do with her being adopted. She triggered it, but while it may have snared many others, it has yet to snare her.
Well… that’s my current view, I expect to adjust it. I think we readers don’t really know much about the curse, or this world’s version of magic, just yet. We do know a bit about Kiro, I think, probably more than Kechika at this point but probably not all that will matter.
@O8h7w: Well, to be fair, he, and Kiro are still technically prisoners–even if they are, um, housed separately–and, as such, have as much of a claim on the military surplus slop as the others.
Since Daisy has most likely finished serving her time, her position is murkier, but that’s more of a quibble in my view. ^^