[6.48] Fend for yourself
on August 27, 2020
at 12:23 am
If only there was some kind of charismatic leader among all those internet addicts…
@Lina Whatevs: I put a link on this site’s archive page to that interactive archive you made. Just wanted to make sure you’re OK with having the link there and credited as such.
6.48 Transcript
A: So the more spread out we all are, the more likely we’re to survive.
Kiro: Leaving them to fend for themselves?
Daisy: Now to think of it, it does sound a bit callous.
Daisy: But what can we do to help? We can’t possibly provide for all of them, and you’ve seen how these goons run the place.
Kiro: True, I guess you still have to steal some food to get by.
A: Actually, that’s not true. We got through last winter entirely on our own supplies. That is just for back up.
Floating Seal: “Um, Kiro is a not-seal-itarian, and half your supply is therefore useless.”
The increasing amount of bears worries me. I feel like they’re gonna be important, and that can’t be anything good.
@sereneseal That’s great, thanks!
Poor Kiro’s mind is getting blown over and over in these past few minutes for her. I can’t help but think she’s already thinking up ways of derailing this plan.
I think that glowing white thing in the second last panel is another floating seal?
Do I see…
an icy…
white window sill seal silhouette?
just hope they don’t know your there or they might steal your supplies
Um, A? That was when there were only two of you–there’s three, now,
It occurs to me that if the seals don’t want to be hunted, they could help out by providing fish. Monotonous, true, but nutritious.
Keeping everyone not killing each other is an easy job: just slap a screen in front of all the addicts and let them get drunk on internet for the entire winter.
Now, if the power went off, that would be trouble…