[6.39] Confession (III)
on July 27, 2020
at 12:14 am
He’s sensitive about being called a stalker, so choosing his words carefully.
6.39 Transcript
Daisy: Just hold it for a second, young lady
Kiro: I can’t help but feel like I’ve been had…
A: Kiro I don’t know the exact answer… but you being here was not an accident.
[Why isn’t Kechika stopping him this time?]
A: Think about it. You’re not an internet addict. So why would you be sent to a camp like this?
Why not stop him now?
I might have something to do with that little chat you and she had, Kiro.
Kiro answered this in the beginning: so the others at camp would punish her. But we also know that she’s here because of Kechika’s curse. So how do these interact? Asinine theories, go!
Theory 1: Supernatural voodoo powers. Impossible to disprove, moving on…
Theory 2: Kechika *boof*ed the judge. Not really sure she would do something like that. And didn’t she say she gave up her powers before (6.18)?
Theory 2.5: “The land” *boof*ed the judge.
Theory 3: Kiro’s parents sent her there on purpose. This one is really weird, my head’s spinning just thinking about it…
Theory 4: Paper work mix up. Originally she could have been headed toward a different camp, but some “accidents” and coincidences later and she arrives in the cursed land. Nobody thought anything about it because all the paperwork was “correct.”
Or maybe the ad or whatever she saw that made her start doing it was caused by the land. I like thozmp’s theory though
One of these is partially correct. Now which one? That’s a good question…
Kiro is NO internet addict,but she was selling stolen cell phones….
Why is there no next button, just because I’ve caught up to today’s strip is no reason not to let me keep reading ahead! :} It took a couple of weeks (I’ve got a bunch of other comics I read too) but I finally finished binging the archives late last week. Hello Sereneseal, thanks for the comic!
I’m still wondering if A might be the mysterious partner who provided the trojan she used to get those phones.