[6.23] Mother
on May 28, 2020
at 12:10 am
Kechika’s been a bad girl?
What a predicament
Thank you Caleb for supporting me on Patreon!
6.23 Transcript
Kiro: So why show this to me when you know I’m going to die?
Kechika: You are surprisingly calm when you say that.
Kiro: Compared to who? My predecessors?
Kechika: Most of them did not take it very well. But you may be more useful.
Kiro: What the
Kechika: That is my mother. Sorry, but we’ll have to speak some other time.
That ship represents some possibilities. It’s still inside the Curse zone so going to it won’t (at least by itself) invoke whatever forces prevent escape, it will have resources aboard, if the crew vanished it’ll be uninhabited which provides isolation from the crazies in the camp. If the crew is sheltering in it, it at least provides different crazies that might be played off against the camp ones.
Best case, it’s food, shelter and fresh water that no ine else is sitting on. Worst case, it’s no worse than the camp itself.
I had a nasty thought though – do Kiro’s adoptive parents know about the Curse? If they’re aware it might reach out and try to capture them, it’s possible they adopted her to give the Curse a different target. And if they adopted her as a lightning rod, they might also have fed her to it so that they will remain safe from it for a while longer. They can always adopt another kid, after all.
I actually suspect that they tried to adopt kid hoping that the curse wouldn’t go after adopted kid as it would after their own.
Big momma?
Kechika chose… wisely! She may be surprised at Kiro’s reaction (or lack thereof, more likely) but she does know that she’s different.
Also, Kiro is probably already plotting something knowing her!
Kechika’s mother is of the same colour as Mom’s hair (Mom at the camp)… A coincidence…? Perhaps, if we believe in coincidences here…
“What’s wrong, Mom? You’re looking a little… blue.”
Mother Gengar?
So does that mean Kechika is related to Chiyo-chan?
“Ah, I wish… I were a bird!”
….What? O_O