Part woman, part bird. The ancient Greeks called these beings “Harpies”, and attributed all kinds of nasty habits to them. Let’s see if this eagle-woman is any nicer.
She doesn’t have to be a harpy (who were usually depicted as having a woman’s head but a bird’s body). She looks more like the ancient Greek goddess Iris, messenger of the gods.
Or Kiro, as “strangely afflicted” will have a power to stop the curse…? She might in fact be descendent of the people who originally inhabited that place. I am still curious about her name and thus her background.
Watch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…Woah! It’s the bird lady! Wonder what does she want with Kiro…
Part woman, part bird. The ancient Greeks called these beings “Harpies”, and attributed all kinds of nasty habits to them. Let’s see if this eagle-woman is any nicer.
I have a theory. Kiro is a decendant from that ship capitan dude. Or mabye Mom. Either one.
She doesn’t have to be a harpy (who were usually depicted as having a woman’s head but a bird’s body). She looks more like the ancient Greek goddess Iris, messenger of the gods.
Or Kiro, as “strangely afflicted” will have a power to stop the curse…? She might in fact be descendent of the people who originally inhabited that place. I am still curious about her name and thus her background.
Watch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagleWatch out for an eagle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Birbgirl! Been looking forwards to meeting you