[5.13] Naturally
on December 2, 2019
at 12:51 am
About to meet someone new?
I’m keeping this poll up with this post; as Marteri pointed out last time, it would have to run for months to be truly reliable, but I’ll settle for a week and a half…
5.13 Transcript
Daisy: Haha! You’re too funny, Kiro.
Kiro: Knew it.
Daisy: Are you serious?
Kiro: That’s my story. It’s your choice if you want to believe it or not.
Daisy: There is one person who might.
Daisy: But only because he’s a superstitious little nitwit. In fact, that’s who we’re going to see.
Daisy: Hope it doesn’t rain on us before then.
Superstitious? Daisy, YOU are the one with the spirit-bound light arrows.
@Sereneseal: I read the comic on update day, and then return the next day to read the comments, and the day after to read the responses to those comments, and then it’s update day again. ^^
Only Kiro can see the ghosts.
To everyone else, including Daisy, those are just light arrows.
Still, those light arrows should be weird enough to open your mind quite a bit unless you grew up with them or something similar being commonplace.
I recall that there were two people Daisy “killed”. Perhaps this is the second?
I’ve read enough books and comics to know that its probably going to rain while there in the boat. and besides, out of all of daisy’s different arrows, she probably has one that can make a shield above them before they get wherever there going 😛