[5.05] Graveyard
on October 31, 2019
at 12:35 am
Daisy doesn’t believe in curses, but sometimes her tongue slips.
Happy spookyday and thanks for reading!
5.05 Transcript
Daisy: I suppose she doesn’t want us to question… why a graveyard surrounds us. People have tried to bring industry to this place for hundreds of years. But every time… it ended in a tragedy of some sort. Who knows why this place is particularly cursed?
Kiro: Grave…
Daisy: If you don’t mind, I’d rather we got out of here first.
It would explain why the spoirits are so active here–and where Daisy got her arrow,,,,augmentation.
It actually also makes sense as a place for rehabilitation of the tech-addicted, if some mysterious power seems to fight back against technology here. Until you remember that the high-tech basement appears to operate without a hitch.
Many open questions still, but the world and the story are starting to piece together real nicely.
YAY! a page came out today! I forgot that it was halloween, and when I realized what day it was I thought there wouldn’t be a page. :]
It really isn’t that the place is cursed. It’s that it’s built on a number of corrupt schemes. The actual curse is greed.
For example, mining industry that killed everyone from collapse or black lung. Logging industry that overlogged, resulting in food shortages as animals left the habitat.
And now, tech rehab camp that is clearly mining from tech addiction and making malnourished zombie kids with no rules. A perfect storm for Lord of the Flies mentality.