[4.19] An interesting offer
on July 22, 2019
at 12:44 am
Time to test if Kiro is all about power or friendship.
Plot twist- is Darien actually Skeletor??
4.19 Transcript
Darien: You know what, Kiro? You succeed, you get a place on the council.
Daisy: I don’t know anything. You’re just wasting your time bullying her.
Kiro: Y’all that desperate to find him?… Well, that is an interesting offer.
Darien: Good. You have two hours to make her talk.
Darien: If that happens, you still have the option of leaving the usual way.
Darien: If not, you’ll be the first ones through the new edition of Death Course.
Kiro: Death Course?
Daisy: Now you just hold it a minute there, Darien!
You know what they always say, power corrupts, absolute power is even more fun. Can’t rightly say that after 6 months in control of a place like that I wouldn’t have a death course.
Note: Kiro merely calls it an interesting offer. She never actually said she accepted. Fae logic!
Daisy is sweating? I’m officially scared now. (The fact that it’s called “Death Course” isn’t exactly reassuring, either.)
“Skeletor”? Not by about 300 pounds. (about 136 kilos)
Eh, maybe Skeletor just really let himself go.
What basis does Kiro even have to put any value to having a place on the council?