[13.18] Out of time
Patreon supporters – Sorry about completely dropping the ball on updates. I thought I’d uploaded pages through October, but my memory was a whole month off. My brain seems to be cooked from how much I’ve been working recently. Hopefully I can still remember what year it is when I’m 30…
Not sure why I have the sudden urge to write about life but some months ago I relocated again, to the redwood coast of California. I believe this comic is about two-thirds of the way done at this point (a lot of uncertainty on that, though) and I’m hard at work creating more of a buffer so we can go back to twice weekly updates. Honestly, I’m not sure if that will ever happen, as working full time simultaneously with drawing this is quite taxing.
Also, have I EVER posted a picture of my dog? I can’t remember ever doing so. This is Kait, also known as Little Miss Ears.
13.18 Transcript
Penny: I hate to say it, but I’ve always been Mom’s little dog. Knowing the history of this place, I thought there was no other choice but to try the Door.
Kiro: Okay, but I still don’t trust you.
Penny: Now you look here.
Penny: I was skeptical too, but everything has added up. We lost all communication with the outside. The seas closed off. Strange, shadowy creatures appeared. And at the center of this, the Pit, where lie the bones of those who came before. I’m scared that if this fails, we’re out of options…
I don’t know how you could live in that gorgeous place and get ANYTHING done. I’d spend all my time wandering in the among the silent misty trees. It’s really magical.
look at that little face!
Knowing her, she’s not lying, but definitely misleading in some way.
I’m looking forward to two pages whenever you get to it!
It’s good you have to move to such a gorgeous location, but don’t get lost in the woods, okay?
Back on topic, Penny has known about the curse for a long time, possibly before or close to when A became aware. Once things began moving in that direction she became rightfully frightened. Hearing about the “door” she believed it was the only way out. With Kiro in the picture, Penny may have a more viable option than opening something dangerous and unknown. But what can they do against the supernatural forces gathering against them?
Your dog is SO cute. And go easy on yourself while rebuilding a buffer, lest you use the whole buffer to recover from building it in the first place (been there haha)
No, not a lot of options.
Hey, puppy!