[11.10] Blame game
on September 29, 2022
at 12:24 am
11.10 Transcript
Darien: Just look at everyone!
Kiro: What’s with this apathy?
Darien: See, Reina had the ship sunk and tried to pin the blame on me!
Reina: Bull
Darien: Destroying resources for pure political gain… Even if Ben’s alive, that’s not enough to save your hides.
[Kiro: How does he know that we watched the ship sink? Who could have… wait!”]
Oh boy, I think there’s fixing to be a stunning reveal here. I saw that brief worried look on Darien’s face last posting.
gotta love the politics game. what did you think would happen?
OOH, betrayal!! The intrigue!
But also, “had the ship sunk?” From what I remember, you’re lucky they were even able to get on that boat to look for food in the first place!
Unrelated to this whole thing but why is Reina literally always wearing a blue dress? Like early on, when Kiro first met her I think she was wearing a blue dress. And then, during the election she’s wearing a blue dress I believe. Is blue her favorite color or something?
It’s her only good one left. This environment is pretty rough on clothing.
Well, I think Darien may be a bit liberal with the truth.
Because a tiny teenage girl can move a beached ship no problem. Yeah, she definitely just sunk it just for…uh. Political gain. Somehow. Because sinking the ship and losing the food on it was going to make people like her more for some reason.
Oh, the crazy’s sinking in.
Shay is about to get dumped on, unless David & Ian squealed…