I have a hunch Daisy is an expert at wilderness first aid, including medicinal plants. This also explains the pained look on Kiro’s face in the previous installment.
I agree. Kechika will know something about this. After all, she did say that she cursed the land then disconnected herself from it entirely. The way the guy talked and moved means he wasn’t a normal human being.
I guess getting a few singed digits is better than what could have otherwise happened, but I hope those are only minor burns, because an incapacitated hand can be an extremely troublesome obstacle to overcome when trying to survive in the wilderness. Dexterity is not to be overlooked in importance.
Stop, drop, and roll, man! Also ow, Kiro’s fingies.
Only you can prevent wild fires, Kiro
What Daisy? Not going to remark on how weird Kiro is for seeing things?
Holy crap, that thing really lit on fire something fierce! I hope Kiro is okay. :`[
Ohhh, the heartburn!
I have a hunch Daisy is an expert at wilderness first aid, including medicinal plants. This also explains the pained look on Kiro’s face in the previous installment.
That would be hilarious if it was just a guy in a vine costume.
I think Kiro will need to meet Kechika who ought to be the one knowing what’s going on…
I agree. Kechika will know something about this. After all, she did say that she cursed the land then disconnected herself from it entirely. The way the guy talked and moved means he wasn’t a normal human being.
I guess getting a few singed digits is better than what could have otherwise happened, but I hope those are only minor burns, because an incapacitated hand can be an extremely troublesome obstacle to overcome when trying to survive in the wilderness. Dexterity is not to be overlooked in importance.
How about “It was a wendigo-plant … thing”?
Hm. I have to say that the “monster” running away is a too comical pose for the tone here.