[8.13] Consorting
on March 18, 2021
at 12:36 am
8.13 Transcript
Penny: So you got out of Death Course by yourself after those two clowns destroyed the bridge, and as far as you know Daisy’s… escaped?
Kiro: That’s right, and Darien claims he doesn’t remember anything.
Penny:Ha! Yes, he’s been denying this whole business with Daisy. And no wonder! What an embarrassing situation.
Reina: So we never heard of Death Course because they planned to rig it?… What a dishonorable violation of tradition!
[Kiro: No, Reina, their memories were reset…]
Penny: That’s right, huh. You’re running against him again.
I half expect Penny to start stacking sugar cubes or dice as she sits in her chair like that. Also, plausible deniability for Darien, almost like he planned it himself!
Sugar cubes are considered a luxury here. As a matter of fact, anything sweet…
Hmmm. Penny might actually be a valuable ally if she doesn’t feel threatened. The other campers are used to listening to her.