Really, Kiro, you’d trust her with that?


Hey all,

It’s been almost exactly a year since I drew the first page of this comic (two months before actually launching it),  – I absolutely never expected to have made it this far. This is one of the biggest , most elaborate projects I’ve done in my life (and definitely the biggest art-related project), so I’m super glad I was able to reach every one of you readers.

There are many things I would have liked to change with this comic – a more creative/poetic/epic title, for instance, and the art in the first few dozen strips is really lacking – but if I had sat around trying to iron out those problems before launching, this would have never gotten off the ground. (I still don’t even have proper color/expression sheets for most of the characters…) So that’s my two cents for anyone who wants to start a comic, just go ahead and do it!

At the same time, I’d love to share my work with more people. But to this day I still have almost no social media presence, because admittedly, I don’t know how to use these things. At all. (I’m the worst millennial in existence.) Any suggestions on how/when/who/what/where to engage more with the online comics community? I’d really like to get started with that :3



(That was a mouthful, but one last thing, I will be changing my user name to “sereneseal” from the hard-to-remember/pronounce/spell “kootenie”. There is a bit of history behind the old name, but that will be for another time…)